Jane Ashbrook (Hamrock) is a textile artist working in art quilts, beadwork and bags since the early 1990's.


Jane finds inspiration in nature- the woods, water, rocks and flowers.  She sees design forms everywhere- in man made things and in art.

She has been influenced by living in New England, California, Washington state, Florida and travels.  She grew up outside Boston with the woods and a reservoir behind her house where she played, found solace and inspiration.


Jane has sewn for most of her life, taught by her mother and older sisters.  She made her first quilt while pregnant with her son in 1991.  Following her mantra of "what if..." she started designing her own quilts soon afterward.She started with traditional piecing and applique but she couldn't stop there.   Incorporating her daughter's love of beads she fell in love with embellishments and just  ran with it.

Jane has won ribbons at quilt shows at Central Florida Quilters Guild, Jacksonville QuiltFest, and Evergreen Quilt Guild (Green Bay, WI).

Memberships include Orlando Modern Quilt Guild, AQS and SAQA.